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About us

We take care of all the elaboration and management of projects and environmental solutions, from the legal aspects to their practical execution in the field.

Ocean Safer has large experience in ​​Oil Spill emergencies, monitoring and response, having already participated in many incident occasions where our clients needed prompt support. We also work in the development of solutions and execution of environmental projects tailored to complex situations.

We always ensure our clients receive the best possible advice, support or performance of the terms of engagement we have agreed to. Providing a high-standard service, since its foundation in 2015 we have helped our customers in some of their biggest challenges in the environmental area, in addition to offering support services for transshipment (ship to ship ops), anchoring of oil units and specialized consultancy in customized environmental projects.

We assemble teams of experts from different disciplines, who can, together, deliver the complete, holistic package of top-quality. We take care of all the elaboration and management of projects and environmental solutions, from the legal aspects to complete execution.

Aiming to expand its operational capacity and immediately meet the demands of our customers, the company has operational bases prepared for response to environmental emergencies in the Northeast, Southeast and South regions of Brazil.

Our objective is to expand our activities in order to offer services that are already in the company's expertise, such as specialized land emergency response services, diving services, rescue and logistical personnel management. Other units will soon be inaugurated in the North Region to meet the demand for fuel imports and mining in general.

Ensuring customers the necessary and innovative support for sustainable growth, offering agile and quality services, responsibly preserving and protecting the environment and the community.

To be a reference in the various sectors of the industry

striving for the defense, protection and recovery of the environment through commitment and good sustainability practices.

Our values are:

Our continuous improvement has the purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment.


Ocean Safer, aiming to offer the best in the market, is certified in ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, where certification helped us in risk management, allowing a safe and reliable performance of our activities that have the purpose safeguard life, property and the environment, as well as our organization.

The Integrated Management System (SGI) is the combination of processes, procedures and practices adopted by the organization to implement its policies and achieve its objectives more efficiently than through multiple management systems. ISO has brought novelties such as risk mindset, relationship management and stakeholders becoming clearer and more comprehensive.

The main advantage of the integrated system is that it allows all company employees to have a global view of the actions, in order to see their activity as an integral part of a larger system. In this way, employees can perceive their role in the organization's performance in relation to health, occupational safety, quality and environment factors, contributing to the process of continuous improvement.

In this way, our continuous improvement is aimed at safeguarding life, property and the environment.


Ocean Safer has extensive experience in the area of monitoring and response to environmental emergencies due to oil spills and maritime services in general, having already participated in relevant operations for the prevention and response to environmental emergencies. We also work in the development of solutions and execution of environmental projects tailored to complex situations in environmental accidents.



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©2022 Ocean Safer Monitoramento Ambiental LTDA. 22.219.321/0001-14